Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Today's Meals:
Breakfast: fresh fruit + yogurt + hard boiled egg + water
Lunch: sandwich with cheese, tomato, spinach, and cucumber + 2 little oranges + rice crispy bar + bottled water
Supper: ham + salad + steamed veggies + lentil burger + lemonade + water + cheesecake

Today's Schedule:
8:35 - roll call/ silent reading and writing 2nd draft
8:45 - English
9:25 - 6th grade IRT Presentations
10:00 - Topic
10:40 - Recess
11:00 - Phy. Ed. - my cooperating teacher and I met with a parent to discuss his progress in school and what they can do at home to help him succeed more in school.
11:40 - Language
12:20 - Language
1:00 - Lunch - I ate an early lunch during language so I could go help my cooperating teacher and another teacher with a "lunch club". Basically during this time, it's a bootcamp for the naughty kids! The teachers set up 3 different stations and they run around to help get all of their aggression and energy out so they can do better during class. My cooperating teacher told me that all of these kids had been diagnosed with some sort of autism that effects them behaviorally and emotionally so this is a good way to work with them and hopefully help them have a break during this day.
1:55 - Writing
2:35 - Math/Art/ Pack up
3:15 - Go home - My cooperating teacher and I helped with pickup as well.

    Today Jeanette got up at 4:30 am to get everything ready and get on the bus because on Tuesday's she watches her granddaughter while her daughter goes to the school. So, I got ready and ate breakfast and then walked to the bus alone. This was the first time I had ridden the bus to school by myself, but after a week, I knew right when my stop was coming up!
    After I got off the bus I went to the classroom and had another day of observation and helping when I could. Something new that I experienced to was a parent meeting. It was great to see because the parent had actually called the meeting. He had noticed his child wasn't doing as well in school as he had in the previous months so he said (the dad) he'd been reading books on ways to help and really trying at home to help the situation. This was mind blowing to me, because in the US teachers don't get that kind of support from the parents. It was amazing and I'm so glad I was able to sit in and listen to their conversation.
    After this I went to the lounge and worked on some 'homework' I had to do. I also ate my lunch early so I could help with the 'bootcamp' that I explained up in the schedule. This was a neat idea, but some of the kids got out of hand and it wasn't managed very well I felt like. I'm sure the kids appreciate it and hopefully it helps their behavior in class as well.
    Finally I was on my way home at 3:30. The bus was so crowded I had to stand for half the trip. I've never seen it that busy before so I was really surprised. I am down to $15 on my opal card so I'll have to put more on that soon. It isn't fun having to pay about $3.50 every time I ride the bus in and then home from school, but I guess I have to get their somehow.
    Once I got home, I checked my phone and laid on my bed for a bit to unwind. Then I got changed and went for a 3 mile run at 5. I hadn't been outside for a walk/run since last Tuesday so I thought it'd be good. It was also a beautiful day today so the weather was perfect. I ran by the river too which is always a good view!
    When I got back, I showered and talked to Jeanette about her day and we discussed travel plans more while she made supper. Then we ate and we all talked about how our days went and such. I then helped the guy from Japan with proofreading his writing assignment. Then it was back to travel plans. I have my flights book and now I just have to figure out what I want to do in each place and where I will be staying.
    Tomorrow, I plan on going to a travel agency to get help with all of these because there are a lot of places and I want to find the best one for the best price and I'm sure they can help me with that. Wish me luck! :)
 My selfie for the day! :)
  Late night green tea before bed. 

Good Night! Happy hump day tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it, love it!!! Keep up the good work, kiddo😉😘
