Sunday, October 8, 2017


My Day: (Carry on from the night/post before)
- Once I finally got checked in and was going through security, I realized my face wash was in a container that was too big to bring on to the flight in a carry on bag. They told me I was going to have to check it which was going to be $75, but it was the only face wash I brought and I didn't want to throw it away since it was already pretty expensive.
Luckily, when I went to check it the guy at the desk waved the cost because it was just the one bottle. I was so happy and thankful.
- Finally I made it through security and found what I thought was the correct gate. I then charged my phone and fell asleep for an hour. When I woke up I realzied that no one was there and therefore the gate had probably been changed. I looked at the board and sure enough it had. Luckily it wasn't too far away and I was able to get there with time to spare.
- In my spare time, I went and got a chocolate muffin and the worst tasting coffee I have every had. It wasn't very big and I still couldn't finish it it was so gross. :(
-*So far, I really wasn't a fan of the Melbourne airport!
- Finally we flew out at 7:15 and got to Queenstown around 1:30 pm.
- I made it to the YHA via van at 2:45 pm.
- Right away I met a girl from France who was traveling looking for work so she had been in Queenstown for about a week.
- I got situated in the room and then I showered because I always feel really gross after an over night flight, and actually just traveling in general.
- After that I walked into town and found wifi because my wifi at the YHA wasn't working. I checked in with my family and let them know everything was going well! (Also because of the time difference, I was now 18 hours ahead of them instead of 15)
- Next, I walked through some shops and wanted something cheap for supper so I had McDonalds
- After that, I went back to the YHA and hung out until 8:30 when I got ready for bed.
- I then talked with some of the girls in my room for a bit and went to bed at 10:30.

 My view from the airport once I found the correct gate. 
The picture I took as we flew into Queenstown!! It was so pretty! 
 The view from across the street from the YHA!! :)
 They take their tea seriously here. This shop was called "T2" 
 More pictures of the lake and mountains as I walked farther into town along the shore 

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