Monday, November 20, 2017


Weather: High of 73 degrees with chance on rain in the morning but mostly sunny and clear skies after that.

Breakfast = fresh fruit + yogurt + 1 slice peanut butter toast + milk
Lunch = salad + banana + nectarine + water
Supper = lamb + salad + steamed veggies + mint chocolate ice cream bar + water

8:35 - Roll Call/ Silent Reading
8:45 - Topic; peer corrected their papers, made corrections, then sent them to me via google docs so I could grade them
9:25 - Carry over from topic lesson
10:00 - Language
10:40 - Recess
11:00 - Language
11:40 - Math lesson on area of rectangle, triangle, and parallelogram
12:20 - Math carry over
1:00 - Lunch (Mr. Engelbert and I had lunch with the 'game club')
1:55 - went over the homework and spelling words for this week
2:35 - Music
3:15 - Music

    Today I got up, got ready, ate breakfast, and walked to the bus stop. The bus was really late so I ended up taking the L23 which has limited stops so I still got to school on time.
    Once I got to school, I got the board ready and printed off resources for my lessons. Mr. Engelbert came in later than normal and he then told me he had fallen off his bike (motorcycle) on his way in this morning. He was alright, but his hip and ankle were pretty bruised and scraped up under his jeans and shoes. The whole day then, you could tell he was pretty sore so I hope it's better tomorrow. He now stated that when there is a chance of rain he will be riding the bus to work because I think the road was too slippery and his wheels don't have very good traction.
    Then the day started and I was the teacher for the whole day (and everyday for the next 2 weeks as well). I think my lessons went pretty well and I am feeling more confident and it's becoming easier to teach which is great. I must be learning something! :)
     We were done around 2:35 today because at the end of the day they go to music so I quickly got the board ready for tomorrow and headed to the bus stop.
     I waited for quite awhile, but I finally got home around 4. I then called Luke quick to see how the rest of his weekend had gone and what his plans were for the upcoming week (I forget it's Thanksgiving because they don't celebrate it here). I then did a 45 minute workout and a 15 minute ab workout. Then I 'showered' in the tub (hopefully that's fixed this week) and started on some homework while I waited for supper to be ready.
     We then ate around 7:15 and talked about the day and upcoming week. It was only Takuya, Jeanette, and me for supper since Paul went home and Lewis is ALWAYS working.
    After supper then, I went back to homework, updated my blog for today and yesterday, read some out of Withering-by-Sea, got ready for bed, and went to bed around 10:30. I can't believe how fast today went! :)

*Only 2 more Mondays left!
*Only 11 days of school left!
* Only 17 days until I go home!

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